What do the Robot workers think?

This week Robot is back in celebration. And, if last week we celebrated our first year at MAB, on March 2nd our company celebrated its 36th anniversary. Since its inception in 1983, Robot has experienced great business changes and has adapted to the great advances in technology, overcoming the global crisis of the past decade to emerge stronger than ever.

Today we want to know how the history of the company has been lived and what is most valued by some of our most veteran workers.

We started a group of colleagues from different professions with a project that we didn't imagine where it could come from, and little by little we have made our way inside the sector of domotics and building automation systems, which 36 years ago nobody knew, opening market and currently competing with large multinationals. Nowadays we are a well-regarded brand in the sector and we have a promising future, because we are not only developing great technological products, but we also have a very interesting international expansion plan.

Jaume Simonet, Robot CFO

Coloma Oliver has been working for Robot for 23 years and points out that:

I have always felt very valued. My responsibilities have been growing over the years and the work environment is very good. As a company we have had critical moments, but now we are at our best.

Coloma Oliver, administrative of Robot

30 years Jose Alberto Antich has been in our organization, first as a programmer and now as Operations Manager.

From where we started to where we are now has changed a lot. We currently have great expectations. " About what he likes most about Robot is "the dynamism and innovation capacity of the company.

Jose A. Antich, Operations Manager of Robot

Pep Castanyer, of the R&D department, does not conceive his life without Robot:

We started in a garage and with the growth we rented the adjoining garage, and look at us now (...) As for innovation it has nothing to do with the past, we have evolved a lot but you have to work hard not to be left behind.

Pep Castanyer, R&D team of Robot

Finally, the CEO of Robot, Bernat Bonnín, tells his experience after 33 years in the company:

We have experienced an amazing technological evolution in our industry. At first we worked without Internet, without great technological equipment, without telecontrol or without something as simple as mobile coverage, which made all our work difficult. Technological development is getting faster, and although it is sometimes difficult to keep up with so many changes, Robot has lived a constant evolution.

Bernat Bonnín, CEO of Robot, S.A.

We want to thank all the brands and people who have trusted us, because without them we could not continue celebrating years. Thank you!